+61 412 297 390

Mon-Fri 9:30AM to 5:00 PM

Level 16, 175 Pitt Street

Sydney, NSW 2000


Permanent Residency Pathways

Australia is one of the most sought out destinations for migration. Australia has a point based immigration system and is renowned for fast processing of applications.

Migrating and settling down in a new country is an exciting thought for many and Australia is one of the most welcoming countries for immigrants of diverse cultural backgrounds. It is an incredible immigration destination and has clear regulations using a point system for permanent residency under the General Skilled Migration SkillSelect program, and an education facility for eligible applicants from all over the world.

Points calculator

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We have a MARA Registered Migration Agent.

Our Migration Agent is experienced over 5 years.

Our fees are affordable compared to the market.

We make every case personal.

You are welcome

Why Choose 3BEES for Migration?

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